The lazy layabout is preoccupied stuffing himself on ambrosia and making sure the virgins that went to heaven keep their lamps well oiled. When he does take a break, he argues with Satan about how well he will run the world when the devil’s term in office is over - any day now!
JoinedPosts by THE GLADIATOR
Why doesn't god do anything tangible now?
by punkofnice ini was always told that god did loads of stuff that was evidence of his existance.
ususally very brutal things too (b#st@rd).. jesus walked on water and raised the dead we are told.. it seems to me also that the older the story, the more exaggerated it is...y'know...talking flood.. there are those that claim god speaks to them now and they alone 'know' it.
The Pastor of my Old Church Tried to Re-Convert Me Yesterday
by cofty inyesterday evening my wife and i were invited to friends house for new year's eve.
we met them when i was a christian and we have kept in touch.
they had a few other friends there as well, including the new church pastor and his wife.
I once had a friend who was a devout Mormon. He told me that was given a book that showed Mormonism to be false. He read the book and was shocked, his faith damaged. He then slowly went through the book again, one sentence at a time, disproving to himself every comment. He told me that his faith was restored. Job duly completed, he burnt the book.
What you appear to be doing, is breaking the big issue in to small pieces which you can then examine one by one. Once you have tackled each small piece you put them together again and declare that you have answered the big question. The difficulty is that whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
Why would Adam or Eve choose the tree of knowledge instead of the tree of life.
by smiddy inplease help me out here .. in genesis 2:16 it says " and jehovah god also laid this command upon the man: from every tree of the garden you may eat to satisfaction.
17 but as for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad you must not eat from it , for in the day you eat from it ,you will positively die.. ok we get that , but what about this ?.
wouldnt it make more sense to forbid the eating of the tree of life first ?
God told Eve not to eat from the tree of Knowledge of good or bad because he wanted her to eat from it. He understood women. Well he should; he made the first one.
The Pastor of my Old Church Tried to Re-Convert Me Yesterday
by cofty inyesterday evening my wife and i were invited to friends house for new year's eve.
we met them when i was a christian and we have kept in touch.
they had a few other friends there as well, including the new church pastor and his wife.
flamegrilled "I will create a couple more analogies that you can have fun misapplying and pretending not to understand."
I don't have to pretend.
Who Made The Code?
by Perry ina few weeks ago, discoveries were made that show that there is another dna code language that rides on top of the already incredibly complex 4-letter code previously discovered.
this newly discovered code apparently regulates how genes work.
as i noted in a previous thread, the amount of data storage available in the dna storage system just the size of a pin-head would filll a stack of books stacked from your driveway to the moon .... 500 times!
After cutting and pasting the work of clever scientific men, Perry’s cunning plan was to declare that such complexity must have come from his god. Proof that his god exists and created the universe. Due to the clever men on this thread, the plan has failed.
I have contributed nothing, preferring to follow the bible’s advice:
"Even a fool, if he stays silent, is thought wise; he who keeps his mouth shut can pass for smart."
Proverbs 17:28 (CJB)
The Pastor of my Old Church Tried to Re-Convert Me Yesterday
by cofty inyesterday evening my wife and i were invited to friends house for new year's eve.
we met them when i was a christian and we have kept in touch.
they had a few other friends there as well, including the new church pastor and his wife.
In my experience someone on the journey, from believing in the god of the bible, to atheism, passes through a number of gates. Initially the person accepts the god of the bible as good and loving. As the person matures they begin to question the morality of the god of the bible.
Next, comes the attempt to justify the conduct of this god. Honesty eventually leads to disenchantment with their god’s morality. When their god becomes untenable to them, the person rejects much of the bible and begins to invent a god that matches up to their standards. They will often explore eastern religion and opt for a different religion that is closer to their ideals.
Many return and try to build a belief system around a gentle Jesus persona. This leads to an elaborate jigsaw of ill fitting pieces gleaned from various sources. Such as personal revelation, selected passages taken from the New Testament, while ignoring the rest of the bible, and guesswork.
Just as the jig-saw appears to be almost complete, it becomes evident that pieces are missing, ill fitting, or entirely wrong. After many years of trying to complete the jigsaw they realize that the whole exercise has been futile, because despite their best efforts it becomes clear that the god of the bible does not exist and never did. They no longer have a god to love, serve, be angry with, ask for help, special treats, or everlasting life. Game over, set and match.
Should Creationism Ever Be Taught In Schools?
by nicolaou inthis is taken from the bbc's sunday morning show 'the big questions'.
i was going to pick out a few highlights but really, you need to watch the whole thing - it's only 23 minutes.
seriously, i could feel the bile and frustration rising in my gullet .
Children should be taught facts.
They should be presented with theories to discuss and analyze.
They should not be indoctrinated or forced to worship the god that their culture endorses.
How they got here is of less importance than what they do while they are here.
The Pastor of my Old Church Tried to Re-Convert Me Yesterday
by cofty inyesterday evening my wife and i were invited to friends house for new year's eve.
we met them when i was a christian and we have kept in touch.
they had a few other friends there as well, including the new church pastor and his wife.
What has to be remembered, is that many on this forum have walked away from a spiritual belief system. We now live without the delusion that the Hebrew desert god will contain his temper for long enough to talk to us, save us, punish us, kill our enemies, bless us, provide food from heaven, or make us more important than others because we have faith.
We are alone, and that is fine. We don’t want to live forever or drift off to live a disembodied life in the sky. We have accepted that we will die, and that will be the end for us personally.
We don’t blame a non-existent god for suffering; ours or anyone else’s. We are not angry, vengeful, or seeking a showdown. We leave that childish pantomime to the various gods that have been impregnated into our long history.
We recognize how privileged we are to have had the opportunity to spend a short time on this beautiful, hostile and torn planet. In short, we have grown up. Cheers!
Should Creationism Ever Be Taught In Schools?
by nicolaou inthis is taken from the bbc's sunday morning show 'the big questions'.
i was going to pick out a few highlights but really, you need to watch the whole thing - it's only 23 minutes.
seriously, i could feel the bile and frustration rising in my gullet .
The Pastor of my Old Church Tried to Re-Convert Me Yesterday
by cofty inyesterday evening my wife and i were invited to friends house for new year's eve.
we met them when i was a christian and we have kept in touch.
they had a few other friends there as well, including the new church pastor and his wife.
Reality cuts a path through supposition and belief. This discussion has reached a point where it is just shifting Teutonic plates. Debating and point scoring won’t bring back the 250,000 people who died in the tsunami.
It won’t bring the god of the bible back either; how could it - he wasn’t there.